Angry residents invade into Pastor Mackenzie’s home and destroy property

On Monday, May 1, 2023, angry residents stormed into Pastor Mackenzie’s home few minutes past 7:00 p.m. The locals from Furunzi area in Malindi town forced themselves into Mackenzie’s compound by bringing down a brick perimeter wall.

Pastor Mackenzie’s home SRC: @Mandy News, @Kenyans
Angry residents storming into Mackenzie’s home SRC: @Mandy News, @Kenyans

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Inside Pastor Mackenzie home

The angry residents stormed into Pastor Mackenzie’s home few minutes after the police and Mackenzie had left the premises, now treated as a crime scene.

During their visit, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), searched the whole home and recovered many books and computers which are believed to contain radicalization materials.

The locals who had spent most of their day outside Pastor Mackenzie’s home, immediately stormed into the compound after the police had left. Claiming for justice, the residents destroyed the brick perimeter wall, building structures, slashed down banana and coconut trees. Fortunately, the police rushed back and dissipated the crowd before they could cause more damage.

Pastor Mackenzie of Good News International Church is said to have lived there with his third wife and mother until his arrest on Saturday, April 15.

Doctor’s postmortem reports

A postmortem conducted by the pathologist Johansen Oduor on some bodies on Monday, May 1, indicated there is a possibility that some were killed.

READ ALSO: Pastor Paul Mackenzie; Number of Shakahola deaths rise to 110 and missing people to 360

“Generally, most of them had features of starvation. We saw individuals who had no food in the stomach, and the layer of fat was small in the stomach, but their liver was fatty, indicating starvation. 

“Two of them had cyanosis- a bluish discolouration of fingernails and by inference, we can confirm that it was caused by asphyxiation,” the pathologist said.

Oduor’s statement came few hours before the residents stormed into Pastor Mackenzie’s home and destroyed most of his properties.



I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.