The TSC has now announced good news to teachers who are interested in JSS jobs. According to the commission, in order to be eligible, a person must be working for TSC as a primary school teacher, have earned a mean grade of C+ on the KCSE, and have received at least a C+ in each of the two cluster subjects that correspond with the JSS curriculum.

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Will TSC deploy P1 teachers to junior secondary?
P1 teachers are encouraged to apply for JSS positions. Applications must be submitted at, according to the commission. Go to the “Deployment to JSS” area, enter your information, and attach the necessary files.
The deployment offers several advantages, such as increased pay and growth opportunities, as well as the chance to teach in a dynamic and changing educational system.
News to teachers; Advertised slots for JSS
There are just 6,000 deployment slots available as the TSC works to fill the 72,422 teacher shortage in junior schools nationwide.
This January, the pioneer cohort of the competency-based curriculum moved to Grade 9, which helped to partially solve the severe teacher shortage.
The commission is under pressure to ensure a seamless learning environment for students and halt the worsening of teacher shortages in junior high schools, which is why the deployment is being phased in.
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How much do junior secondary teachers make in TSC?
Job group C2’s pay ranges from approximately Sh34,955 to a maximum of Sh43,694. The starting wage for a new teacher is Sh34,955, and after three years, the income will automatically increase.
CEO TSC Nancy Macharia
Earlier this year, TSC CEO Nancy Macharia stated that the commission presently employs 76,928 teachers in junior schools, which represents just 51.5% of the workforce needed.
The figure comprises 39,550 teachers who were first hired as interns and then absorbed on permanent and pensionable terms, 8,378 P1 teachers who were deployed in the last two years, and 9,000 teachers who were directly hired on permanent and pensionable terms.
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According to Macharia, the commission needs 149,350 teachers in total to teach Grades 7, 8, and 9.
The government has also set aside Sh4.8 billion to facilitate the hiring and internship placement of 20,000 JSS teachers beginning in January as part of its larger plan to alleviate the teacher shortage in junior schools.