TSC: 20,000 JSS intern teachers to undergo retooling on CBC and CBA

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is currently guiding the newly hired JSS intern teachers through retooling on CBC and CBA. The training comes after Grade 8 students moved to Grade 9 in January, thus need to implement CBA.

JSS intern teachers SRC: The Kenya Times
TSC CEO Nancy Macharia SRC: The Kenya Times

READ ALSO: Intern teachers to get stipends as from February, TSC says

According to TSC, STEM teachers are the goal of the program, which was initially organized by the Centre for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA).

Nancy Macharia speaks on JSS intern teachers

In order to alleviate the teacher deficit in JSS, TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia stated that a total of 72,422 teachers are needed.
According to her, the Commission needs 149,350 teachers in total to teach Grades 7, 8, and 9.
According to Macharia, TSC now employs 76,928 junior secondary teachers, which is 51.5% of the total number needed.

Since April 2019, TSC has provided competency-based curriculum and competency-based assessment training to 229,292 teachers.
Macharia stated that between May 2023 and November 2024, 60,642 JSS teachers received retooling.  TSC prioritized candidates with a combination of science subjects while hiring the 20,000 JSS intern teachers.

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Nancy Macharia’s previous warning

Dr. Nancy Macharia, the CEO of TSC, had issued a warning about the nation’s lack of scientific teachers.

Macharia told the National Assembly education committee that the commission is having trouble finding scientific teachers, even though there are more than 400,000 unemployed teachers in the country.

READ ALSO: Good news to teachers as TSC clarifies on those eligible to teach in JSS

She pointed out that applications for science teaching posts are infrequent and that many schools, particularly JSS, lack enough science teachers.

‘’What stands out is the problem of science teachers. Based on our data, we will be able to determine the percentage of arts versus science teachers. However, it is clear that the majority are in the arts,” said TSC CEO.

“I have never shied away from acknowledging the crisis of teacher shortages. We will recruit and redistribute teachers across all counties, but when we advertise for positions, we hardly receive applications for subjects like Physics,” she said



I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.