Simba Arati Biography, age, tribe, education, political career, wife, children, net worth

Kisii County aspiring governor, Simba Arati is a seasoned politician currently a second-term Member of Parliament in Dagoretti North Constituency. His rippling entry into Gusii politics is likely to send home several veterans. An exceeding influence continues to decorate Simba Arati biography for the much-coveted seat.

Simba Arati Biography SRC: @Twitter
Simba Arati SRC: @Twitter

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Arati became a Member of Parliament for Dagoretti North in 2013. He would defend the seat in 2017 before parking to focus on the Kisii gubernatorial race ahead of August polls, in 2022.

Hon Simba Arati profile summary

  • Real Name: Paul Simba Arati
  • Place of birth : Kisii County
  • Age: 40 years
  • DOB: 28 November 1981
  • Party: Orange Democratic Movement

Simba Arati biography

Arati from Bobasi Constituency is a youthful politician determined to retire rivals such as Chris Obure and Prof Sam Ongeri. He is a man of few words with a habit of speaking his mind even if it means picking a fight.

Simba Arati, one of the gubernatorial aspirants in Kisii County SRC: @Breaking Kenya News
Simba Arati, one of the gubernatorial aspirants in Kisii County SRC: @Breaking Kenya News

How old is Simba Arati?

Simba Arati age is 40 years as of 2022. He celebrates his birthday on November 28th. Joining local and national politics at a young age means a bright future in higher positions of governance.

Simba Arati educational background

The notorious Arati is an alumnus of Suneka High School from where he excelled in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). He proceeded to enroll at the Kenya Polytechnic College now called the Technical University of Kenya. Before long, Arati graduated with a Diploma in Tourism Management.

In 2004, Arati received a scholarship to Guangzhou University in Guangzhou. A couple of years later, he graduated with a Business Management degree.

Upon returning to Kenya, Arati joined Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology for a Master’s Degree in International Relations.

The career history of Simba Arati

Simba Arati’s career history dates back to the early 2000s when he was a Managing Director at Aipa Safaris Limited. In 2008, he became a councillor in Nairobi City County, lasting until 2012.

Arati posing for a photo with Raila Odinga SRC: @Hivisasa
Arati posing for a photo with Raila Odinga SRC: @Hivisasa

In 2013, Simba Arati successfully campaigned for the position of MP in Dagoretti North Constituency. He would drum for his re-election in 2017 under the Orange Democratic Movement ticket. Key highlights from his 10 years tenure are well-carpeted roads, booming businesses, enhanced security and piped water.

Besides, the Simba Arati Foundation sponsored the “Kata Sukuma” competition as part of the bigger plan to empower his constituents. He chose the Sukuma challenge partly because the low-income business not only fed him but also paid his school fees at Kenya Polytechnic. At least 263 people participated with the winner taking home Ksh. 25,000.

Simba Arati wife name and nationality

ODM kingpin Simba Arati is husband to a wifely Chinese woman nicknamed Kwamboka. Together, they have a couple of adorable children.

The politician with his wife SRC: @Nairobi Journal
The politician with his wife SRC: @Nairobi Journal

Arati met Kwamboka while studying Business Management at a Chinese University.

Simba Arati Net Worth

Simba Arati salary is at least Ksh. 600,000 excluding tokens of six-figure allowances. Some sources allege that he takes home about Ksh. 1 million.

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Simba Arati biography is a testimony to the fact that low beginnings are limitless. Deep founded confidence in succeeding Governor James Ongwae lives on.



I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.