Amin Mohamed Ibrahim Biography, age, family, education, career, wife, Contacts, and net worth

The sharp-looking Amin Mohamed has been making headlines following a historic appointment as Director of Criminal Investigation. The former director of the Police Internal Affairs Unit succeeded DCI George Kinoti following a voluntary resignation. We turn to Amin Mohamed Ibrahim biography for answers to his little-known life story.

Amin Mohamed Ibrahim biography SRC: @Shahidi News
DCI Amin Mohamed Ibrahim SRC: @Shahidi News

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Inside the list of senior officials nominated for the DCI job is Bernard Barasa Walumoli, Eliud Kipkoech Lagat, Esther Chepkosgei Seroney, Gideon Nyale Munga, and David Kipkosgey Birech. President William Samoei Ruto possibly considered Amin Mohamed for his unmatched competence and clean record in the police service.

Amin Mohamed Ibrahim profile summary

  • Age: 58 years
  • DOB: 1964
  • Real Name: Amin Mohamed Ibrahim
  • Years active: Since 2007
  • Alma mater: Masters’ degree in Criminology

Amin Mohamed Ibrahim Biography

How old is Amin Mohamed? Born in 1964, DCI Amin Mohamed age is 60 years as of 2024. Further details about his birthday and ancestral home are not yet public.

DCI Amin Mohamed SRC:
DCI Amin Mohamed SRC:

Amin Mohamed family

Pictured during a swearing-in ceremony were close family members of the new DCI. Chief Justice Martha Koome could be heard imploring Amin’s three lookalike sons to support their dad in service.

Then came a photography moment with a beautiful woman supposed to be Amin’s wife. Among others, she smilingly took pictures with a majority of government officials in attendance.

Education background

The 58 years old Amin Mohamed is a Masters’ Degree holder in Criminology and Security Management from Egerton University.

He is equally an alumnae of the University of Nairobi where he completed diploma studies in International Studies.

Career history

Upon graduating in 1989, Mohamed joined the police service, at first at Bungoma Police Station and later at Pangani Police Station.

He then proceeded to Kasarani as inspector of police before serving as DCIO in Langata, Kilindini, Thika, and Mandera.

Until recently, he worked in Central, Rift Valley, Western, and North Eastern Kenya as a lead detective.

DCI Amin Mohamed rose to fame in 2007 while still serving as CID boss in the Rift Valley. His office allegedly played a crucial role in various investigations relating to the bloodshed of the post-election violence.

In addition, he served as a witness in the International Criminal Court during the tenure of Fatou Bensouda.

Becoming Director of Criminal Investigations

The new DCI boss Amin Mohammed was sworn into office at the Supreme Court grounds in a state event presided over by Chief Justice Martha Koome.

In his words, Mohamed registered a vibrant readiness for all duties assigned within his office. Who is Amin Mohamed and what are his contacts?

DCI Mohamed during his swearing in SRC: @News Moto
DCI Mohamed during his swearing in SRC: @News Moto

“I will always be available and for purposes of records, I would like to give out my number which is, 0722415419, so that any member of the public or any other person who feels like reaching out to me can easily do so.” DCI Mohamed

The new DCI released his contacts amid a high-calibre swearing-in ceremony in which he vowed to uphold justice and integrity.

“I will endeavour to lead DCI in the most professional manner and respect human rights, and adhere to the supreme law of the land and constitution of Kenya.” Amin Mohamed

DCI Mohamed who has been serving in the police service for the past 30 years vowed allegiance to the rule of law in the process of rendering his duties.

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Amin Mohamed Ibrahim biography sparks admiration for a senior detective turned Director of Criminal Investigations. Follow us daily and know new stories as they come every time.


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I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.