CS Ezekiel Machogu Biography, age, tribe, family, education, career, wife, children, net worth

Nominated Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu Ombaki is a powerful Kenyan politician with diverse experience in corporate affairs. He is a man of interest with a reputation for standing tall by what he believes. Inside Ezekiel Machogu biography are informative facts about his family and becoming a CS.

Ezekiel Machogu biography SRC: @Jambo News
CS Education Ezekiel Machogu SRC: @Jambo News

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Machogu of the ruling UDA Party is a typical hustler in business as much as he is in competitive politics. Joining Ruto’s cabinet after failing to succeed Governor James Ongwae is a big win after all.

CS Ezekiel Machogu profile

  • Age: 66 years
  • DOB: January 1, 1956
  • Real name: Ezekiel Machogu Ombaki
  • Home: Nyaribari Masaba
  • Tribe: Kisii
  • Years Active: Since 1976
  • Marital Status: Married

Ezekiel Machogu biography

Kenyans are awoken to the life story of Ezekiel Machogu for being the man poised to succeed Education CS George Magoha. His experience spanning 46 years is a testimony of what he can do should his name survive parliamentary scrutiny. How old is Ezekiel Machogu?

CS Education posing for a photo with His Excellency President William Ruto SRC: @Elimu Pedia
CS Education posing for a photo with His Excellency President William Ruto SRC: @Elimu Pedia

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Ezekiel Machogu age and tribe

CS Ezekiel Machogu Ombaki is 68 years old as of 2024. He is of the Kisii tribe from Nyaribari Masaba Constituency, Kisii County. Popular figures from his ancestral homeplace include the late Simeon Nyachae, Prof Sam Ongeri, and Dr Hezron Manduku.

CS Ezekiel Machogu educational background

Machogu is an alumnus of Nduru Boys High School where he completed his O-levels. He would complete his A-levels at Agoro Sare Secondary before proceeding to the University of Nairobi for a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. Machogu eventually graduated from UoN in 1979.

Hon Ezekiel Machogu career and politics

Machogu bounced into the career market in 1976 as a District Officer. He later became a District Commissioner until 2008. After that, he became a Senior Deputy Secretary for the Public Service Commission until 2016.

In 2017, CS Machogu succeeded Hon Elijah Moindi as the Member of Parliament in the Nyaribari Masaba Constituency.

He amassed victory with the National Agenda Party of Kenya (NAPK) Party but has since joined the ruling UDA Party.

President Ruto nominated the following 21 cabinet secretaries including Ezekiel Machogu.

  1. Interior Ministry – Prof Abraham Kindiki
  2. National Treasury – Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u
  3. Public Service  – Aisha Jumwa
  4. Defence – Aden Duale
  5. Water Sanitation – Alice Wahome
  6. Foreign Affairs – Alfred Mutua
  7. Trade – Moses Kuria
  8. Regional Development – Rebecca Miano
  9. Roads – Kipchumba Murkomen
  10. Environment & Forestry – Soipan Tuya
  11. Lands & Urban Dev – Zachariah Mwangi Njeru
  12. Tourism – Peninah Malonza
  13. Agriculture – Mithika Linturi
  14. Health – Susan Nakumicha Wafula
  15. ICT – Eliud Owalo
  16. Education – Ezekiel Machogu
  17. Energy & Petroleum – Davis Chirchir
  18. Youth Affairs – Ababu Namwamba
  19. Cooperatives & MSME – Simon Chelugui
  20. Mining – Salim Mvurya
  21. Labour  – Florence Bore

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CS Ezekiel Machogu family

The inner family of CS Machogu comprise a rarely photographed wife with little-known children. Overall, not much information is available about their whereabouts and career paths.

Ezekiel Machogu salary and wealth value

Education CS Machogu Ezekiel earns a whooping Ksh. 924, 000 every month. The six-figure salary does not include all the lucrative allowances accrued to a government official of his calibre.

As we speak, Machogu has not declared his wealth but some sources estimate his wealth at Ksh. 100 million. The CS is reportedly a rich man with an empire of real estate properties along Jogoo Road, Nairobi County.

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CS Ezekiel Machogu biography narrates the life story of President Ruto’s right-hand man on matters of education. He will likely succeed CS Magoha should his name qualify through an intensive parliamentary assessment.



I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.