The story of Reverend Father Edwin Gathang’i Waiguru is a unique and intriguing one that made headlines. The priest defected from the Roman Catholic Church and married his lover in a colourful ceremony.

The wedding, attended by hundreds of friends and family, marked a significant transition in Father Waiguru’s life.
What’s especially notable is that he was originally ordained as a Roman Catholic priest on the same day as his wedding.
Catholic priest weds in Kiambu
Reverend Father Edwin Gathang’i Waiguru was an ordained Catholic priest but defected from the Roman Catholic Church to join a splinter group known as the Catholic Charismatic Church.
This life-altering decision led to a joyous and colorful matrimony, as he married his longtime friend, Margaret Wanjira Githui.
This heartwarming ceremony was held at Michael’s Pot Gardens in Ikinu, Kiambu County.
How it happened
Father Waiguru’s path to this moment was influenced by his experiences as a priest.
After being sent to preach in North and South America, he felt a calling to experience the joys of marriage and family life.
Upon his return to Kenya, he made the courageous decision to marry Margaret in a traditional ceremony, which ultimately resulted in the blessing of their union with two children.
However, Father Waiguru’s story doesn’t end there. He was subsequently ordained again, this time as a Charismatic priest, and he took the opportunity to solemnize his marriage within the context of his new faith.
“God did not make a mistake when He created a man and a woman and said it is not good for somebody to be alone,”
the pastor said
This dual ordination was a way for him to reconcile his spiritual calling with his desire to lead a life that included marriage and family.
“I want to thank my lovely wife for accepting to be used by God in this. We want to show the world that it is possible for somebody to serve God and still have a family,”
Father Waiguru added
During the ordination ceremony, Bishop Patrick Mulau of Kirinyaga Charismatic Church presided over the proceedings.
He emphasized that his church, while a splinter group from the Roman Catholic Church, aligns closely with Catholicism but differs primarily on the sacrament of Marriage, allowing priests to marry within their congregation.