Hussein Mohammed biography, age, education, career, wife, children, net worth, joining UDA

Hussein Mohammed is a former Citizen TV anchor famous for hosting News Night on Tuesdays alongside Janet Mbugua. He is a seasoned journalist with a strong media appeal on our screens. Know the entire life story in Hussein Mohammed biography.

Hussein Mohammed biography SRC: @Nairobi News - Nation
Hussein Mohammed, the former News Anchor Citizen TV SRC: @Nairobi News – Nation

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Quitting a 10-year career at Royal Media Services for personal engagements was a tough decision for Hussein. While on the screens, he interviewed several business moguls and powerful politicians of the land. And now, he is a promising international anchor or reporter.

Hussein Mohammed profile

Hussein Mohammed real name:  Abdikadir Hussein Mohamed

Place of birth:                         Meru, Kenya

Year of birth:                           Under review

Gender:                                   Male

Nationality:                              Kenyan

Hussein Mohammed father:    Name not known

Hussein Mohammed mother:  Name not known

Siblings:                                   Names not known

Wife:                                         Malyun Mohammed

Children:                                   2

Occupation:                               Journalist

Instagram account:                    @husseinmohammed

Twitter account:                         @husseinmohammed

Facebook account:                      Hussein Mohammed

Hussein Mohammed biography

The sharp-looking Mohammed is a highly private Kenyan celebrity despite being in the limelight. He has nonetheless revealed the following intimate details.

The former News Anchor Citizen TV SRC: @The Star
The former News Anchor Citizen TV SRC: @The Star

How old is Hussein Mohammed?

Hussein Mohammed age is about 40 years with no further information on his born years and birthday.

All we know is that he is youthful in the prime of his career on television.

Education history and qualifications

Hussein attended Kanyakine High School within Meru County. He would for the first time become chairman of the Journalism Club. Thereafter, he joined Zetech College in 2011 to chase his dream in photography and Journalism. While at Zetech, Hussein became chair of the journalism club with a passion for promoting Swahili journalism.

In 2019, Hussein graduated from the University of Nairobi with a masters’ degree in Diplomacy and International Studies.

Hussein Mohammed career background

Upon graduating from Zetech University, Hussein Mohammed embarked on flowering his portfolio. He was mainly keen on building his skills amid applications in leading media houses. Before long, Hussein bought a DSR Camera for coverage of weddings, burials, and college events.

Unfortunately, he failed the first interview at Radio Umoja. He was eventually lucky to join KTN following a tough interview session with Ahmed Darwish. In 2018, Hussein Mohamed joined Citizen TV and was allegedly earning about Ksh. 1 Million by the time of his untimely exit in 2019. The six-figure monthly income qualified him in the list of the most paid journalists in Kenya.

The speedy rising of ranks came amid successful interviews with controversial politicians and business tycoons. His ability to control stubborn guests is particularly commendable. That is perhaps why Hussein Mohammed was appointed to seat in during the heated 2017 presidential debate. High rated interviews with ex-governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko and DP William Ruto add to his credit as a journalist.

Quitting Citizen TV

Hussein stepped down from RMS after heated BBI discussions with his final show guests Kipchumba Murkomen and John Mbadi. His exit announcement caught many by surprise, especially a legion of his followers.

Hussein while airing news SRC: @News Moto
Hussein while airing news SRC: @News Moto

“I have decided to take a break after October In Sha Allah to concentrate on other matters. I loved the fans, the critics, and everything in between. See you soon,” Hussein Mohammed said.

His record live show interview with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is outstanding from the rest.

Throughout his career, Hussein has managed to uphold candid journalism with a no-nonsense and non-partisan approach.

Such a straightforward personality earned him several accolades including the male media personality of the year from the Somali Glamour Awards.

What next for Hussein Mohammed? The nicely groomed Hussein who is rumoured to have decamped Citizen TV because of low pay is likely headed to an internal media in the calibre of Aljazeera, CNN, and BBC.

Hussein Mohammed wife and family

The hunky Hussein and his wife Malyun walked down the aisle in a colourful traditional wedding ceremony held in 2014.

Mohammed with his wife, Malyun SRC: @Twitter, @Tuko
Mohammed with his wife, Malyun SRC: @Twitter, @Tuko

The Islamic marriage called Nikkah rolled at Masjid Nur in South C. Dignitaries in attendance include RMS veterans Willis Raburu, Esther Kahumbi, and Janet Mbugua. Mohammed’s social life and family have since gone on a low key.

What about Hussein Mohammed children? Hussein and Malyun are proud parents now. However, they have not disclosed the identity of their two children yet.

Hussein Mohammed net worth and salary

Sources have pointed out that Hussein Mohammed was earning a whooping Ksh. 600,000 at RMS. The figure is staggering high but not compared to Jeff Koinange monthly salary of Ksh. 2 million.

No further information is public about Hussein Mohammed cars, properties, and Forbes net worth value.

News anchor Hussein Mohammed latest news

UDA Party Leader William Ruto announced Mohammed Hussein the head of communication in his ongoing campaign ahead of the August Elections.

Mohammed with William Ruto after joining UDA SRC: @Nairobi News - Nation
Mohammed with William Ruto after joining UDA SRC: @Nairobi News – Nation

“Renowned TV journalist has been appointed Head of Communications in the William Ruto Presidential Campaign. Welcome to the Hustler team,” DP Ruto.

The announcement came in amid a recent political earthquake that saw Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetangula joining the Hustler movement. Ruto had this to say about Hussein in a welcoming Twitter post.

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RMS is home to several accomplished and well-paid journalists, with most of them eyeing the international media network. Hussein Mohammed biography confirms a news anchor at the pinnacle of success, with even greater dreams.



I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.