St. Claire Suguta Girls KCSE Results 2022: Mean Grade, KUCCPS Performance Analysis, KNEC Code, Ranking, Location

St. Claire Suguta Girls Secondary School has again recorded another history in the recently released KCSE Results. Below is a full breakdown of Suguta Girls KCSE Results 2022.

Suguta Girls KCSE Results SRC: @Twitter

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Suguta Girls KCSE Results 2021

The CS Education, Professor George Magoha released the results on Saturday, April 23, 2022 after three weeks of intensive marking. While releasing the results, Magoha stated that the number of candidates with minimum university entry qualification of a C+ rose from 143, 140 in 2020 to 145, 145 in 2021. A breakdown of performance is presented below.

A Plain        0

A Minus      1

B Plus          17

B Plain         76

B Minus       76

C Plus           28

C Plain           4

C Minus         1

D Plus             0

D Plain           0

D Minus         0

E                      0

Suguta Girls Performance Analysis

Out of the 203 candidates who sat for KCSE, 198 managed to get a direct entry to university. The school posted a mean of 8.36, which is a positive deviation of 1.73, as compared to 2020 when the school had a mean of 6.63.

Suguta Girls KCSE Results 2020

A Plain           0

A Minus         0

B Plus             0

B Plain           10

B Minus         10

C Plus             28

C Plain         33

C Minus       22

D Plus            2

D Plain           0

D Minus         0

E                      0

Suguta Girls KNEC Code, Location and Ranking

St. Claire Suguta Girls is one of the best schools in Kisii County. It is based in Nyamache Sub County. Its KNEC Code is 40732103. We are yet to find out how they performed in the County level.

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Suguta Girls KCSE Results have confirmed that the school is competitive countrywide. Keep posted as you know more about the school.



I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.