Governor Election results 2022; elected governors across the 47 counties

Following the August 9 General elections in Kenya, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has started declaring winners of different seats. The IEBC Chairperson, Wafula Chebukati has also said that the exercise was conducted with transparency and fairness. Below is Governor Election results 2022 for you.

Governor election results SRC: @Tuko, @Y-ACT
Two of the forty seven Governors elected in 2022 SRC: @Tuko, @Y-ACT

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According to the Chairperson IEBC Chebukati, there was low voter turnout in 2022 as compared to 2017 elections. Despite that, he said that the 2022 General elections were conducted peacefully.

Governor election results 2022

There are forty-seven counties in Kenya. Below is a list of all elected governors across the 47 counties.

Governor Name                                         County

1. Irungu Kang’ata  (UDA)                                       Murang’a

2. Mutula Kilonzo (WIPER)                                      Makueni

3. Joshua Irungu (UDA)                                            Laikipia

4. Paul Simba Arati (ODM)                                      Kisii

5. Julius Malombe (WIPER)                                     Kitui

6. Joseph Ole Lenku (ODM)                                    Kajiado

7. Issa Timamy (ANC)                                               Lamu

8. Ahmed Jiir (ODM)                                                 Wajir

9. Ndiritu Muriithi (UDA)                                         Laikipia

10. Fatuma Achani (UDA)                                        Kwale

11. Nathif Jama (ODM)                                           Garissa

12. Mutahi Kahiga (UDA)                                        Nyeri

13. Kawira Mwangaza (Independent)                  Meru

14. Cecily Mbarire (UDA)                                        Embu

15. Amos Kimwomi Nyaribo (ODM)                      Nyamira

16. Muthomi Njoki (UDA)                                       Tharaka Nithi

17. Andrew Mwadime (Jubilee Party)                  Taita Taveta

18. Wesley Rotich (UDA)                                         Marakwet

19. Abdi Guyo (Jubilee Party)                                 Isiolo

20. Wilber Ottichilo (ODM)                                    Vihiga

21. Benjamin Cheboi (UDA)                                     Baringo

22. Anne Waiguru (UDA)                                          Kirinyaga

23. Ken Kusaka (FORD)                                              Bungoma

24. Moses Badilisha (UDA)                                        Nyandarua

25. George Natembeya                                              Trans Nzoia

26. Paul Otwoma (ODM)                                            Busia

27. James Orengo                                                        Siaya

28. Susan Kihika (UDA)                                                Nakuru

29. Gladys Wanga (ODM)                                            Homa Bay

30. Ochilo Ayacko                                                         Migori

31. Stephen Sang                                                           Nandi

32. Anyang’ Nyong’o (ODM)                                        Kisumu

33. Jonathan Bii                                                              Uasin Gishu

34. Simon Kachapin (UDA)                                            West Pokot

35. Johnson Sakaja (UDA)                                              Nairobi

36. Hillary Barchok (UDA)                                              Bomet

37. Patrick Ntutu                                                             Narok

38. Erick Mutai                                                                 Kericho

39. Kimani Wamatangi (UDA)                                       Kiambu

40. Jeremiah Lomorukai (ODM)                                   Turkana

41. Jonathan Leleliit                                                       Samburu

42. Wavinya Ndeti                                                          Machakos

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I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.