Rigathi Gachagua biography, age, family, education, wife, children, political career, Dr William Ruto running mate

Gachagua who doubles up as Mathira Constituency Member of Parliament and Kenya Kwanza presidential aspirant, is a powerful man in the corridors of politics. His legacy runs deep with several roots in corporate governance and elective posts. Rigathi Gachagua biography is here with everything you may have wanted to know about him.

Rigathi Gachagua biography SRC: @Areal News
Rigathi Gachagua SRC: @Areal News

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A recent appointment into the position of a running mate for his excellence DP William Ruto brought Gachagua to the full limelight. He has since been trending for his influence in the Kenya Kwanza coalition.

Rigathi Gachagua profile summary

  • Real Name: Rigathi Gachagua
  • DOB: 1965
  • Wife: Pastor Dorcas Rigathi
  • Rigathi Gachagua children: 2
  • Career: Businessman and Politician

Rigathi Gachagua biography 

Political kingpin Rigathi Gachagua is not new to politics. In fact, his background is a vineyard of powerful leaders.

As a young man, it never crossed his mind that he will one day vie for the statehouse position.

Gachagua, Ruto's running mate SRC: @Nairobi News
Gachagua, Ruto’s running mate SRC: @Nairobi News

How old is Rigathi Gachagua?

Rigathi Gachagua age is 57 years considering he was born in 1965 in Ruguru village. Sources indicate that he is a native of central Kenya.

Family background

Rigathi belongs to the family of Nahashon Gachagua and Mama Jane Kirigo. Unfortunately, his mom Kirigo succumbed in December 2019. Besides, he is a brother to Nderitu Gachagua, former governor Nyeri County.

Rigathi Gachagua wife and children

When it comes to marriage, Rigathi is husband to Pastor Dorcas Rigathi. She is allegedly a gospel lit woman running a powerful ministry at their Mathira home. The couple is also blessed with two lovely sons.

Photos of Rigathi Gachagua wife display a tough woman with a highly rewarding smile.

Gachagua wife SRC: @Venas News
Gachagua wife SRC: @Venas News

Rigathi Gachagua education history

Upon clearing from Kabiruini Primary School, Rigathi enrolled at Kianyaga secondary school for high school studies. Thereafter, he joined the University of Nairobi for a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science and Literature.

Career history and businesses

Rigathi who was previously a district officer in Kiambaa became head of public service in 1992. In addition, he served as secretary for Prof Philip Mbithi until 1996. He would later become Uhuru Kenyatta’s confidant in Jubilee before breaking loose to support UDA Party Leader DP William Ruto.

Rigathi Gachagua with William Ruto SRC: @Citizen Digital
Rigathi Gachagua with William Ruto SRC: @Citizen Digital

Gachagua is a serial investor away from the murky waters of politics. After years of banking profits in business, he sought to become governor. The untimely death of Governor Nderitu may have challenged Rigathi into politics.

Accused of meddling with the succession of his brother, Rigathi turned tables and successfully campaigned for the parliamentary seat in Mathira Constituency. He has been serving as a lawmaker since 2017.

Corruption charges against Rigathi Gachagua

The name of Gachagua has been mentioned in several money laundering cases. For instance, the Asset Recovery Agents (ARA) accused him of receiving Ksh. 12.5 billion under red flag circumstances.

Sources say the amount was suspiciously deposited and withdrawn without a trace from a fixed account at Rafiki Micro Finance Bank.

Kenya Kwanza Deputy President for DP Ruto

Rigathi rose above Tharaka Nithi Senator Kithure Kindiki to become a running mate for the oncoming August polls. Others who interviewed for the position are; Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro, Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru, National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi, and Kandara MP Alice Wahome.

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Rigathi Gachagua biography is a true reflection of a business tycoon and a political tactician at the prime of his decorated career.



I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.