Martha Karua Biography, age, tribe, education, career, husband, children, Raila Odinga running mate

NARC Kenya party leader and the Azimio La Umoja member is a power woman nicknamed the “Iron Lady.” Her daring nature in Kenyan politics and legal systems is perhaps why she earned the fancy title. Inside Martha Karua biography are details of an untold life story.

Martha Karua Biography SRC: @Nation
Party leader NARC, Martha Karua Biography SRC: @Nation

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She smiles less and even lesser when it comes to laughing in public. One wonders why she is a unique lady in a country where women are less privileged in leadership.

Martha Karua profile summary

  • Real names: Martha Wangari Karua
  • DOB: September 22nd, 1967
  • Ethnicity: Kikuyu
  • Career: Lawyer & politician
  • Marital Status: Single (divorced)

Martha Karua biography

The high profile Martha Karua is a role model to several supporters, with ladies a majority.

Her low key family background and high-level academic qualifications are both inspirational. How old is Martha Karua now?

Martha Karua age

Martha Karua age is 57 years old but her youthful looks suggest otherwise. She will turning a year older on September 22nd.

Martha Karua family background

The ancestry of Martha Karua is in Kirinyaga District within Central Kenya. She is the second born in a family of 8 siblings.

Martha Karua father, Jackson Karua and her mother, Mrs Josephine Wanjiru are both proud of the progress she is making on matters of governance. Sources say she has 3 sisters and 4 brothers.

Martha Karua husband and children

The Iron Lady is a mother of two children outside marriage. Her children include a boy and a daughter now in their adult years.

Karua with her former husband SRC: @KISII FINEST
Karua with her former husband SRC: @KISII FINEST

Karua allegedly divorced her first husband Doctor Njoka in the 90s. She would later settle with Justice GBM Kariuki until 2008. Karua has since become a granny with deep affection for her family members.

Martha posing for a photo with her son SRC: @Twitter
Martha posing for a photo with her son SRC: @Twitter

Education and qualifications

Karua attended Karoti Girls High School before proceeding to the University of Nairobi in 1977. In 980, she graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Law. On top of that, Karua joined the Kenya School of Law for a postgraduate diploma in law studies. She completed her Master’s Degree at USIU in 2011.

The career profile of Martha Karua

Upon admission to the bar in the early 80s, Karua became a district Magistrate in various places such as Nakuru and Makadara. She quickly rose through the ranks to become senior resident magistrate at Kibra Law Courts.

Fearless of the torturous Moi regime, Karua represented political offshoots in the court of law. These include Raila Amolo Odinga and Koigi wa Wamwere. In 1992, Karua successfully campaigned to become MP for Gichugu Constituency. She defended the position in the 1997, 2002, and 2007 general elections. Besides, Karua served as minister for water and constitutional affairs.

In 2013, Karua vied to become president and in 2017 lost to Anne Waiguru in Kirinyaga County gubernatorial contest.

2022 General Elections

Martha Karua defeated rivals Kalonzo Musyoka and Peter Kenneth to become a preferred DP candidate for his excellence Raila Odinga. Parents say they never expected their daughter to shoot into national politics in such haste.

Martha Karua with Raila Odinga SRC: @The Standard
Martha Karua with Raila Odinga SRC: @The Standard

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Martha Karua biography is a bright mirror of a nationalist with her people at heart. She is surely unstoppable in the statehouse race.



I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.