Take Raila to Greece to witness ballot printing, William Ruto tells IEBC

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  • Post published:Jul 7, 2022
  • Post category:News

The Kenya Kwanza Alliance presidential candidate Dr Wiliam Ruto has requested IEBC to take Raila to Greece to witness ballot printing. This is after Raila Odinga claimed that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has colluded with Ruto’s camp to print extra ballot papers into the country.

Take Raila to Greece SRC:  @Daily Nation
Deputy President Dr. William Ruto SRC: @Daily Nation

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Take Raila to Greece to witness printing of ballot papers

Ruto stated that he has no problem with whoever who wishes to witness the printing of ballot papers as Kenyans already know whom they are going to vote for.

He further said that if that is what will make Raila happy, then the IEBC should consider taking him to witness the exercise.

The Deputy President also said that he has no problem with Raila witnessing the printing of ballot papers as long as the election is held on August 9.

“Ile mimi nataka niulize IEBC, wapeleka huyu mtu wa kitendawili aone mahali kura zinajapishwa, wampatie kazi yote sinafanywa, hata akitaka ndugu yake asimamie makura lakini bora uchaguzi ufanyike tarehe tisa mwezi wa nane, kwa sababu wananchi wameamua lazima kitendawili aende nyambani,( Am asking IEBC to take the Kitendawili man to see where the ballot papers are being printed, even if he wants his brother to be in charge of the election so long as election is held on August 9 because Kenyans have decided to send him home),” Ruto said.

Stop your threats and propaganda, Ruto tells Raila

William Ruto while in Marsabit SRC: @KBC
William Ruto while in Marsabit SRC: @KBC

Speaking in Marsabit on Wednesday 6, Ruto said that he is more than ready for the forthcoming August elections.

Besides, he asked the Azimio presidential candidate, Raila Odinga to stop propaganda and focus on the August elections.

“Ile mimi nataka kuuliza watu wa kusimia ni kwamba wajipange twende kwa uchaguzi wananchi wa Kenya waamue, na wasianze kutuletea vitisho, wasianze propaganda (What am requesting my competitors is to prepare for the elections, Kenyans will decide. They should not start issuing threats and propaganda),” William Ruto said.

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I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.