TT Comedian Biography, age, tribe, family, education, career, videos, YouTube Channel and net worth

TT Comedian is one of the youngest entertainers who have taken the comedy industry by storm. He started his career amidst 2020 during the lockdown that resulted due to the global Covid 19 pandemic. The talented boy found his breakthrough after his video ‘Mzee wa Kofia’ went viral. TT Comedian biography is detailed with everything you need to know about him.

TT Comedian biography SRC: @Africa Lyrics
TT Comedian, one of the most celebrated comedians in Kenya SRC: @Africa Lyrics

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Despite the pandemic affecting many people, TT saw it an opportunity to go for his dream. Interestingly, he came to the limelight a few months after starting his journey in comedy. He has since then done a number of hilarious videos that have attracted him many fans in social media platforms.

Top facts about the youngest Kenyan comedian

TT comedian biological parents are also actors at Ladha ya Mtaa Films. Know more about TT Comedian biography, age, tribe, family, education, career, videos, YouTube channel and net worth now.

The youngest comedian in Kenya SRC: @The Nation
The youngest comedian in Kenya SRC: @The Nation

His profile

TT Comedian real name:   Terence Mwamadi

Place of birth:                     Kitengela, Kajiado County

Date of birth:                      July 3, 2016

Gender:                               Male

Zodiac sign:                        Cancerian

Nationality:                          Kenyan

TT Comedian father:           Mjukuu Mwamadi

TT Comedian mother:         Triza Damillola

Siblings:                               Not known

Instagram account:               @ttcomedian     

Twitter account:                    @ComedianTt

Facebook account:                 @TT Comedian

TT Comedian biography

The celebrated comedian was born as Terence Mwamadi to his parents Mjukuu Mwamadi (Chikunde) and Triza Damillola in Kajiado County. His parents then raised him up in Kitengela area. However, it is not known if he has any siblings.

TT Comedian biography SRC: @Facebook
TT Comedian, aka, Terence Mwamadi SRC: @Facebook

How old is TT Comedian Kenya?

TT Comedian age is no longer unanswered question. He was born in mid-2016, thus 7 years old as of 2023. TT Comedian birthday is on July 3 of every year.

Which tribe is TT comedian?

The young superstar has never disclosed his ancestral roots. His father’s name, Mjukuu Mwamadi cannot hint us enough. Besides, his mother’s name Triza Damillola is also leaving us in dilemma. We will keep you updated immediately we find out more.

Comedian TT's father SRC: @Kelx Innovations
Comedian TT’s father SRC: @Kelx Innovations

TT Comedian family

The comedian is from a humble family. Surprisingly, TT comedian parents are also acting with him in the Ladha ya Mtaa Films. What a happy family!

TT Comedian biography SRC: @The East African Feed, @Name Bet
TT with his parents SRC: @The East African Feed, @Name Bet

TT comedian education history

Despite being committed in the social media, TT is also a hardworking pupil. He attends school from Monday to Friday and does his acting on weekends only. Stay tuned as you get to know the school he is attending.

Terence in school uniform SRC: @The Nation
Terence in school uniform SRC: @The Nation

His career

Terence Mwamadi developed his passion for acting from his mother, Attoty KE, who used to carry him to her place of shooting films. Upon discovering that their son was talented, TT comedian parents decided to mentor him.

TT Comedian in acting mood SRC:
TT Comedian in acting mood SRC:

In Mid 2020 during the lockdown, the two did their best to ensure that TT became a great actor. They nurtured him and could even act with him in some clips. Thanks to God that He already gave them a bold son.

TT first found his breakthrough late last year after acting in the video, ‘Mzee wa Kofia.’ The video went viral and attracted many fans who asked for more clips. It is after this that TT parents decided to open for him a YouTube channel account to post his videos.

The Comedian in action with Jalang'o SRC: @MeetDownload Movies, @Opera News
The Comedian in action with Jalang’o SRC: @MeetDownload Movies, @Opera News

The celebrated star has gone an extra mile to do clips with top media personalities such as Jalang’o. Do you know that TT Comedian YouTube channel is now having over 14 million views?

What is TT Comedian net worth?

TT comedian videos have greatly attracted him many fans worldwide. He currently earns from his YouTube channel that is managed by his parents. However, they are yet to disclose on how much their son is making every month.

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TT Comedian latest video SRC: @YouTube


I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.