Lulu Hassan biography, age, family, tribe, education, career, husband, children, salary, house, cars, net worth

Lulu Hassan is one of the best female TV presenters in Kenya, admired by many. She is famously known for her fluency and eloquence in the Swahili language. Surprisingly, before moving to Citizen TV, Lulu was a news presenter at Radio Salaam, reading the English language news. The news anchor is now co-hosting Nipashe Wikendi with her husband Rashid Abdalla at Citizen TV. Learn more about Lulu Hassan biography.

Lulu Hassan biography
Lulu Hassan, one of the best female news anchor in Kenya

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Every Saturday Lulu also hosts Bi. Msafwari, who gives marriage advice to couples. Furthermore, the news anchor has become a role model to many young people who aspire to be TV presenters.

Top facts about the female Kenyan news anchor

Lulu is one of the humblest celebrities in Kenya. Let us know more about Lulu Hassan biography, age, family, tribe, education, career, husband, children, salary, house, cars, and net worth.

Her profile

Lulu Hassan real name:      Lulu Khadija Hassan

Place of birth:                        Mombasa, Kenya

Nationality:                            Kenyan

Lulu Hassan parents:           Seychellois descent father and the late Mariam Abu

Lulu Hassan sisters:              2

Husband:                                 Rashid Abdalla

Lulu Hassan children:          3

Occupation:                             News anchor

Instagram account:                loulou_hassan

Lulu Hassan biography

The news anchor was born as Lulu Khadija Hassan in Mombasa, Kenya. She is the firstborn among the three siblings in her family. Unfortunately, Lulu Hassan’s mother died in 2007 to an unknown illness. This forced Lulu to take care of the younger siblings and manage their mother’s real estate properties.

Lulu Hassan biography
Lulu Khadija Hassan

Lulu Hassan age

The Kenyan female anchor is among the celebrities who prefer keeping their age from the public eye. She has never shared any information about when she was born. However, Lulu Hassan’s birthday is on April 24 of every year.

Lulu Hassan family

The TV presenter comes from a family of three girls, with her being the firstborn. Their late mother had some Kikuyu genes. However, more about Lulu Hassan’s sisters is not known. 

Lulu Hassan tribe

Khadija is not a Somali, as most people think. She is a beautiful mixed breed of a Seychellois and Kikuyu. Lulu Hassan’s father is of Seychellois descent, while her late mother had both Seychellois and Kikuyu descents.

Her education history

After sitting for her K.C.P.E exams, Lulu joined Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa for her secondary education. She then trained as a human resource manager, cabin crew hostess, and ticketing officer at Salrene Travel Operations College. After securing a radio job in Mombasa, she decided to take a Communication and Journalism course.

One of the most admirable couples in Kenya
One of the most admirable couples in Kenya

Her career

The female anchor first worked as a news presenter at Radio Salaam in Mombasa back in 2008, reading news in the English language. Later, she landed a job at KTN as a Swahili news presenter. She is currently working with Royal Media Services, co-hosting Nipashe Wikendi with Rashid Abdalla at Citizen TV.

Lulu Hassan husband

Khadija is happily married to Rashid Abdalla, one of the most loved news anchors at Citizen TV. The two tied a knot in 2007 in a wedding and have been together since then. Besides, their unique way of dressing is the reason why they are ranked among the best couples in Kenya.

Rashid Abdalla and Lulu
Rashid Abdalla and Lulu

Lulu Hassan children

Rashid and Lulu are proud parents to three children. Their first two sons are named Jibran and Irfan, while the lastborn is a daughter with her name hidden from the public.

Rashid, Lulu and their three children
Rashid, Lulu and their three children

Lulu once said that she has no plans of getting another child as the three make a complete family. Furthermore, the lovely couple has never shied from posting their adorable family photos on social media platforms.

Lulu Hassan salary

Lulu is now among the highest-paid TV presenters in Kenya, pocketing over Ksh. 400,000 per month. Moreover, she gets several allowances that add up to a huge salary.

Lulu Hassan house

Rashid and Lulu are among the few celebrities that prefer a simple life. They once shared their simple sitting room (with a Muslim setting) of their home in Kwale County. Besides, they also have a mansion in Nairobi estimated to millions of money.

Rashid Abdalla and Lulu's sitting room look
Rashid Abdalla and Lulu’s sitting room look

Lulu Hassan cars

Lulu has been spotted driving different cars on the road several times. Her car collection includes a Toyota Land Cruiser V8 that is worth millions of money.

Lulu Hassan net worth

Apart from being a news anchor at Citizen TV, Lulu also earns from Philly Productions. The film production has released several films, including Aziza, Huba, and Maria aired on Citizen TV. Information about Lulu’s net worth is still under review.

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You are now aware of Lulu Hassan biography. Follow our daily articles and learn exciting stories as they come.



I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.