Nairobi County: Several Kenyans demonstrate around CBD area demanding for Housing Levy implementation

On Thursday, December 28th, a group of Jua Kali artisans and slum residents were spotted demonstrating in the Nairobi Central Business District (CBD) area demanding for the Housing Levy implementation.

Housing Levy implementation SRC: @The Star
A group of Kenyans protesting around CBD area SRC: @The Star

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The artisans and other stakeholders who stand to gain from President William Ruto’s action plan, contended during their protest that their livelihoods would be severely impacted if the project fails.

Why high demand for Housing Levy implementation?

A segment of Nairobi residents, drawn from the city’s informal settlements, countered that one of the primary reasons for organizing the protest was that their standard of living would improve if the project succeeds and the government delivers the affordable homes on schedule.

The group was purportedly on its way to Parliament to submit a petition for the imposition of the tax.

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In videos that were circulated online, the crowd was seen holding banners and placards pleading with the government to guarantee that the levy is applied in a way that benefits every Kenyan.

“Housing Levy is the cure for better housing,” one of the placards read, “Do not take away our livelihood. Tujenge nyumba tuimarishe uchumi wetu (Let’s build houses and grow our economy),” read one banner.

”We support Housing Levy”

Other drivers actively participated in the protests, encouraging others to support the cause. Perched atop one of these trucks, a passionate MC guided the assembly in a coordinated chant of “nyumba, nyumba, nyumba,” which reflected the demands of the demonstrators. This means “house, house, house” in loose translation.

Amidst the chants, a remarkable scene occurred as Kenyans carried one another in wheelbarrows—a device that represents the ruling United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Party of President William Ruto.

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A segment of Kenyans, meanwhile, criticized the protests, speculating that they might be supported by government funds intended to advance the housing levy agenda.



I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.