Singer Akothee husband Dennis Schweizer age, businesses and net worth

Singer Akothee, AKA, Esther Akoth Kokeyo, has left many talking after tying a knot with her new boyfriend, Dennis Schweizer. The proud mother of five met with the lover of her life months ago when she was in Switzerland. What is  Dennis Schweizer age?

Dennis Schweizer age SRC: @Kelebrity
Akothee with her newly wedded husband, Dennis Schweizer SRC: @Kelebrity

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During an interview, Akothee revealed that she met with Dennis Schweizer when she was in Switzerland for a holiday. She clarified that they met through her longtime friend whom she met in Mombasa 13 years ago while she was working as a taxi driver.

Akothee husband Dennis Schweizer biography

Real name:     Dennis Schweizer

Skin colour:    White

Eye colour:     Brown

Nickname:      Mister Omosh

Religion:          Christian

Nationality:    Swiss

Parents:          Names not disclosed

Wife:               Akothee

Occupation:   Businessperson

Where was Akothee’s wedding held?

Akothee with hubby 'Omosh' during the wedding SRC: @Nairobi News, @Udaku News Kenya
Akothee with hubby ‘Omosh’ during the wedding SRC: @Nairobi News, @Udaku News Kenya

Singer Akothee walked down the aisle on April 10th, 2023, a day when she was celebrating her 40th birthday. The glamorous wedding was held at Windsor Hotel in Nairobi and was attended by many dignitaries including Gender Cabinet Secretary Aisha Jumwa, Langata MP Jalang’o and wife, MP Millie Odhiambo, Lawyer PLO Lumumba, Homa Bay Woman Rep Bensouda Atieno, Kisumu County First Lady Dorothy Nyongo, and nominated Senator Karen Nyamu. Other notable celebrities were Singer Bahati and wife Diana, Azziad, Millie and Kabi Wa Jesus. 

Some of the celebrities that attended Akothee's wedding SRC: @Kiss 100, @Mpasho, @LitKenya
Some of the celebrities that attended Akothee’s wedding SRC: @Kiss 100, @Mpasho, @LitKenya

Despite not disclosing Dennis Schweizer age, Akothee disclosed that she loves him and that she feels what she has never felt before.

“I am behaving like this because Omosh is totally different from the relationships I have had before. He is different,” Akothee revealed.

Dennis Schweizer businesses and net worth

Dennis ‘Omosh’ Schweizer is a well-known businessperson who runs a number of businesses both in Kenya and Switzerland. He has as well collaborated with Akothee in running Esedua Farmers that is dealing with pig farming. Besides, he is the chairperson, Akothee Foundation. Dennis Schweizer net worth is estimated at Ksh. 1 billion as of April, 2023.

Akothee and husband Dennis posing for a photo SRC: @The Standard
Akothee and husband Dennis posing for a photo SRC: @The Standard

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Happily married Singer Akothee is now in Switzerland and she is yet to reveal Dennis Schweizer age. Follow us daily and know new stories as they come every time.



I am an actress at Ndizi Tv and fun fair writer at Kenyan Moves News and Media Website.